Eric is an outdoor enthusiast who enjoys outdoor activities such as hiking and camping. He recently interviewed his friend Jack, who has a lot of experience in outdoor activities and runs an online outdoor gear store, so he has a unique insight into how to pack a hiking backpack.
Eric asked Jack questions and Jack shared some of his packing tips and practical experience.
How to pack a hiking backpack?
Eric: Hi,Jack! Today we are going to talk about packing tips for hiking backpacks. I know you have a lot of experience on how to pack a backpack, can you share your experience?
Jack: Sure! I have a lot of experience packing backpacks, not only in the outdoors, but also some practical tips from my time in the military. There is no one standard way to pack a backpack, but I can give you some basic advice that I've learned from years of experience.
Eric: So here is the first question, what are the most important factors when packing a backpack?
Jack: First of all, you need to understand the basic structure of a hiking pack. You can take a look at the diagram below of the structure of a hiking pack, so you know where to put things on the pack.
Then the size of the backpack is important. If you need to carry a lot of gear, the backpack needs to be big enough. here is a chart I found online that shows the kinds of things you might want to pack in a large hiking backpack, such as clothes, hiking gear, and so on.
Ideally, you want the size of the pack to fit exactly what you need to carry, so that it is most comfortable to carry on your back. However, in an outdoor environment, it is common to choose a slightly larger pack that leaves some extra room.
That way, if your companion has gear that you can not carry, you can help them share some of it, and we can all share our gear.
Eric: Well. What about packing tips for the inside of a backpack? How would you arrange the placement of items?
Jack: It comes down to how to rationalize the placement of items. First, you need to consider each item's size, weight, whether it is fragile, and whether it needs to be easily accessible at all times.
For example, items like ammo boxes, food and water need special attention in terms of where they are placed.
Eric: So you will be keeping some important items on the outside of your pack?
Jack: Yes. For example, water bottles and snacks, I will put them on the outside of the pack in an accessible location, so that I can get to them whenever I'm on the move. Water bottles are best placed on the side of the pack for easy access.
For things like sleeping bags and sleeping pads that are not readily accessible, I would put them at the bottom of the pack.
Eric: I see, it seems that packing a backpack is more than just stacking items. So how do you handle bulky items like sleeping bags and sleeping pads?
Jack: I usually put my sleeping bag and sleeping pad at the bottom of my backpack. Especially the sleeping bag, if it has a compression sack, I will try to make it as compact as possible to save space.
But I do not like to over-compress everything or it will take a lot of time to adjust like playing Tetris. I will try to arrange the items to fill every empty space in the backpack like a jigsaw puzzle.
Eric: Sounds organized. What about food and cookware? How should they be packed?
Jack: Food goes in a separate big bag so it is easy to sort and access. For example, my dry food, ready-to-eat meals, and things like that will be in the inner layer of my pack. For convenience, I will put some of my go-to snacks on the outside of my pack so they're easy to grab at any time.
I will also put things like pots and pans and stoves inside the pots so that they not only do not take up space, but also reduce clutter in my pack.
Eric: That is a great idea. So how do you handle some of the other heavy items?
Jack: For heavier items, like water bottles or fuel, I try to keep them as close to my back as possible. That way the weight is centered on the back and helps to reduce the load. Also, bottles like this can easily fit into the empty space on the side of the pack.
As for extra ammo, if I do not need it readily accessible, I'd keep it deep in the pack so it does not take up too much space for easy access.
Eric: I see, relying on the back for heavy items works to lighten the load. What about clothing? How do you pack your clothes?
Jack: Clothing usually goes in a waterproof bag, and I like to roll it up to save space and keep it from getting wet. If there are any items that need extra protection, such as a change of clothes, rain jacket, or warm clothes, I put them on top of the pack so they are easily accessible.
As for functional clothing, like windproof jackets and raincoats, I will put them in the top pocket of my pack because I can get to them quickly and adapt to changing weather conditions.
Eric: That makes a lot of sense. What do you do with other small items like maps or documents?
Jack: I usually keep those small items in the top pocket of the pack or in the front pocket. That way they do not take up too much space and are easily accessible.
I also like to carry a small water filter, which can be placed in the outside or side pocket of the pack for easy access to water.
Eric: That is a great point, Jack. So, last question, how do you decide on the packing order and technique when you are packing?
Jack: Packing order and technique is critical. Generally speaking, heavy items go in the back and light items go on the outside. Bulky items can be placed on the outside of the pack to avoid taking up space inside.
And for items that need to be accessed quickly, I would prioritize placing them on the outside or top of the pack because they need to be accessed quickly.
In fact, there is no single standard for backpack packing, so you can make adjustments based on your needs and the situation. here is an infographic on backpack packing that I found from online searches, you can refer to it as well.
You can also search Youtube for the keyword “how to pack a hiking backpack”, and you will find many videos like this one:

Eric: Thanks for sharing your packing experience with us today, Jack!
Jack: You are welcome, Eric! I hope these tips are helpful. Everyone packs their backpacks differently and finding what works for you is the most important thing.
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